Seriously, leaders don’t really do this anymore, do they? Are they still beating followers into submission? Unfortunately, it seems like there’s a lot of this going on lately.
Also unfortunately, it’s still an integral part of our national culture. We Americans have the fifth highest percentage of imprisonments per capita in the world. It makes you wonder if we’re really such a lawless bunch, or whether we just love us some punishment more than we do rehabilitation, doesn’t it?
How does this apply to business leadership? If you think about it, there are only two ways to change human behavior, pleasure and pain. In gentler sales terms, there is “selling” and “telling.” Of course, you must set clear boundaries with folks who report to you, but in general you’ll be more successful emphasizing pleasure over pain.
Punishing folks works very well if you’re a prison guard and you have all the power. In a free society, however, this approach usually gets you resentment and aggressive or passive resistance if the person you’re punishing doesn’t agree with you.
Yep, they’ll get you back one way or another, you can count on it. You get compliance but not engagement and support. These are the businesses that will languish in the doldrums and not continue to succeed over time. You can just hear that low hissing sound as the positive human energy and motivation leave the organization.
Alternatively, if people get a healthy dose of pleasure and reward that helps them achieve their personal goals while they help you achieve your business goals, then you’re golden. Who’s reluctant to do things that are fun and rewarding for them?
An added benefit is that now you can spend much more of your time with strategic leading instead of day-to-day managing. Really, who wants to spend all their time chasing people with a stick anyhow?
Don’t be a stranger. (770) 993-1129.
