Yes, I know it’s often important to “lead with strength” in your business relationships. Clearly you want people to see you as good at what you do and able to meet their business needs without problems.
But sometimes, don’t you get a little weary of all the “business speak?” Everyone who’s been around for a while knows the current standard for what’s polite and trendy to say.
Don’t get me wrong. These initial rituals are an important part of communication. Since business and life are about risk and reward, it’s important to feel out relationships over time to determine what you can count on them for.
However, it’s so refreshing to encounter folks who are direct and straightforward, but in a caring way. “You’re only as sick as your secrets” is one of the healing tenets of Alcoholics Anonymous, and for good reason.
This tenet is part of the culture we’ve created in my CEO & Owner Roundtable. The members can be honest about the things that are going well in business and life as well as the things that aren’t. These shared human experiences and challenges give us all the freedom to learn from each other and to achieve higher levels of business success and life happiness.
All said and done, there’s no way to beat our common human system of thinking and feeling. Except for those situations in which it’s kinder or wiser not to share your secrets, keeping them denies you access to some powerful feelings and shared human experiences that can motivate and inspire you to greater heights of success and happiness.
Don’t be a stranger. (770) 993-1129.
