Services focused on your needs and business conundrums.

ceo roundtables
It can be lonely as a CEO. Sometimes, it helps to discuss business conundrums in a confidential environment with other non-competing CEOs who, with empathy and experience, can offer perspectives on ways to address your issues. It's like a de facto board of directors without the power to fire you.
Shawn Vernimo, Arcus Roof

Never mix business with family. Ummm...OK, so you already crossed that line. The question now is how to run your business profitably and still navigate the Thanksgiving dinner table without alienating those you love. We'll work with you to tackle these highly emotional business conundrums.
Mac Durrett, Durrett & David Risk Management

Partner businesses are often like marriages: full of promise with sprinkles of conflict. It's natural. Each partner brings to the table a different perspective and perhaps different personal goals that may not align with other partners' goals. We'll usher your though, around and over these business conundrums.
Tim Whittemore, Conexus CPA
howard porter, Global K9 Protection
More testimonials
"Terry Dockery is fantastic, and we couldn’t have asked for a better experience! With his vast business background and expertise in Organizational Psychology, he brought valuable insights to our team. We gained clarity and confidence, and Terry truly inspired us to reach new heights together."--Kathy Healy, CEO; Healty Wealth Management
"The best coach I've ever worked with, bar none." (former NCAA athlete)--Jane Reid, CEO; Square1Art
"Thanks for helping us double our revenues, triple our profits, and win a national ‘Great Place to Work' award!"---Dave Reese, President; TurnerBatson Architects
"Terry Dockery is an outstanding organizational consultant. With a deep understanding of people, he excels as a great coach and as a coach's coach. He offered valuable and actionable insights, and he played a key role in helping us build a focused action plan for success.” –Dale Bercher, President: Bercher Homes
"For the first time since the very early days of this firm, we are working together as a team. I cannot recall a time at which the partners have been more at ease with each other and so completely focused on the business of the firm….The transformation is nothing short of amazing….”--Clay Porter, Senior Partner; Dennis, Corry, Porter & Smith
“…kept us on track and set the stage for beginning our strategic planning process. …I have noticed a marked increase in the caliber of people we have brought on board. …we have a happier and more productive work force as a result of your input….”--Robert Balentine, Chairman; Balentine & Company
"Terry’s evaluation of our key management personnel gave us insight into the strengths and weaknesses of our organization and allowed us to make critical changes that, in retrospect, saved us considerable money and internal conflict.”--Rex Fuqua, Chief Executive Officer; Fuqua Capital Corporation
"Thanks for helping us achieve our financial and strategic goals in short order!"--Jennifer Smith, President; Georgia Psychological Association
"Terry's presence was extremely helpful--he definitely helped us make more money and have more fun."--Lee Swerdlin, CEO; Swerdlin & Company
"You helped us get things done in two months we'd been working on for two years--we should have paid you more!"--Judy Van Dyke, President; Bennett Group Consulting
“We have worked with Terry Dockery for many years. He has been invaluable to our Firm...including: business divorce counseling, team building, identification of core values, assessing potential hires, and coaching upwardly mobile individuals for greater chances of success. We have enjoyed a candid relationship with Terry that helps us get right to the point of getting it right.”--Phil Moore, Jr., Managing Partner; Porter Keadle Moore
"Terry helped me significantly elevate the conversation among our leaders and the performance of our organization."--Gina Simpson, CEO; Hands On Atlanta
"Terry is exceedingly thorough and candid in his assessments of people, issues, and organizational dynamics--I pay very close attention to his conclusions!”--Bill Clarkson, President; The Westminster Schools of Atlanta
"Thanks to Terry's guidance our firm has experienced substantial growth in terms of clients, assets, and employees."--David Crawford, President: Crawford Investment Counsel
"I am happier and my business is happier. Life is good." --Amanda Hair, CEO; Bob Steele Salon
"Our recent strategic planning meeting was fantastic!"--Wade Eckman, CEO; CPS Payment Services
"Thanks for an outstanding job facilitating our strategic planning process!"--Patricia Dominic, CEO; Hemophilia of Georgia
"You are guaranteed to have more fun, make more money, and do more good!"--Charlie Cichetti, CEO; Sustainable Investment Group
"Doc has proven himself time and again over the 20+ years he’s consulted with our businesses, the result being more fun and more money, as promised."--Howard Porter, Chairman; The Porter Companies
"Terry helped develop the strong ‘team' value in our management group, and worked with me personally to help clarify the best direction to take to solve "management personality" issues."--Stewart Farwell, President; Rheem Water Heater
"Terry helped us in clarify our strategic vision and institute a process of continuous improvement that will be invaluable to us in the years ahead."--Tom Beaty, Founder; Universal Blanchers
"Terry has been a great resource to me in understanding human behavior patterns and the components of a high performance organization."--David Plyler, CEO; Gleneagles Capital Management
"I was very impressed with your professionalism and thoroughness....Your input helped us put together a management succession plan that will provide the strongest team for the continuity of the business."--Tony Ots, President; Raypak
"Terry quickly obtained a comprehensive insight into our people and organization, and his professionalism and unquestionable integrity provided a trustworthy platform for all our initiatives."--Michael Gerster, General Manager for North America; WIKA Instrument
"….since working with Terry, we have built a cohesive team that is happier and committed to helping us achieve our goals. Terry’s coaching has equipped us with the skills to identify and address problems in the office in an early stage so that they can be addressed and resolved quickly.”--Gregroy Payne, O.D.; Owner, Payne & Payne, PC
“Terry Dockery’s ability to look through a problem and to help design a solution through interaction with others is unique to my experience. We have had significant growth and organizational team building…and the results have been extremely effective for our bottom line.”--Robert Lawless, CEO; Creative Storage Systems
“We have found the services and insights of (Terry Dockery) a valuable tool towards making our vision, dreams, and goals a reality. Terry offers a unique skill set and knowledge of relationships within an organizational structure that can enhance any business unit’s desire to improve. …the process sticks.”--Cliff Draughn, President; Draughn Partners
“You opened a new world for me….If I had met you ten years ago, I firmly believe that my practice would be better off now…”--Gene Brooks, IV; Owner; Brooks Law Firm
“…Dr Dockery’s tools, skills and insight provided many benefits to the team and company. In the future, I will get Dr. Dockery involved with my teams sooner and more frequently.”--Cynthia Remboldt, Manager, Strategic and Business Analysis; Solvay Pharmaceuticals